Since numbers speak volumes, we’ll give you data you need to see what works.
During weekly or bi-weekly calls with your team, we review your Action Plan – an itemization of all the initiatives we are working on, and how they map to your communications and business objectives.
You receive a status report month’s end recapping activities performed, the hours expended and remaining ones for the engagement.
We strive to minimize the time spent on reporting to maximize the budget we can dedicate to activities and deliverables. Over the past 20 years, with the help of client feedback, we have found an appropriate level of reporting details. If you require more, you will get it.
We also schedule a quarterly business review meeting – not just for the day-to-day team members, but with your executive team if you want. This ensures we remain aligned with your business objectives – and gives us a chance to learn about business initiatives relevant to future marketing and PR activities.